(315) 418-6512
(315) 843-4811 (leave message)
(315) 843-4101
2470 North Road
Oriskany Falls, NY 13425
Dog Control
Anne Brown
Dog Control Officer
dog control documentsThe Dog Control Officer is a yearly appointed position, and is responsible for enforcing local and state law including licensing, rabies, vaccination mandates, rescuing & caring for strays with the transporting of unclaimed dogs to contracted animal shelter.
- The Town of Augusta follows all NYS Laws regarding the control of dogs as provided by Article 7 & Article 26 of Agriculture & Markets Law, as well as any Local Town Laws.
- Please show concern and respect for your neighbors and control your pet's activities such as continual barking, being at large, chasing cars, etc ...
- All complaints will be acted on, upon the completion of a Deposition. No complaints will be handled without the necessary documentation and positive identification.
- The Town prefers not to pick up owner dogs, if an owner of record · known or on file, the owner will be contacted to pick up his/her pet, the Town does pick up known strays.
- All pet owners in the Town that have dogs older than 4 months are required to license their pet, contact the Town Clerk to handle licensing .....
- Do not leave any dog at the shelter or dog control officers' home; this is considered abandonment, even if the dog is one you found on the roadside, you put yourself at risk for being bit, and the possibility of contracting rabies. Likewise do not remove pets from the shelter, you may be taking someone's loving pet whom they dearly miss. Rather call for assistance. Violators will be prosecuted.
- If your pet is missing please call as soon as possible to report it and give a description, so that if the pet is seen you can be contacted or we can return your pet to you, always be sure your pet is wearing some form of identification preferably their license, we have 24 hour access to license information. A simple search and phone call can reunite you and your missing pet.
- The Town has no authority to act of feral cat populations or other wildlife situations, however we do have a "Have a Heart Trap" and various snares, that we do lend out to Town Residents who may have these undesirable problems, disposing of anything you should trap is your responsibility. You may call to borrow any items as they are available.
- The Town is especially grateful to all of the faithful pet lovers who give donations of blankets, dishes, treats and of course visits to our shelter dogs.
- We are a NO-LOW KILL Shelter and do not release any pet for adoption without temperament testing.
- If your pet finds its way to our shelter, as of September 22, 2022, redemption's fees are $35.00 for the first day and $20.00 for each subsequent day. If there is an additional pick-up within a 12 month period, fees are $50.00 for the first day and $30.00 for each subsequent day. NO pet may leave the shelter without a valid NYS License and Rabies shot.
- If any resident has questions or a complaint they should call 315-843 4811 for assistance.
Dog Licenses
Dog Licenses are required by NY State Law on any dog, age 4 months or older, issued by the municipality of which you reside.
To obtain a dog license for the Town of Augusta, please contact the town Clerk at 315-821-2489 or 2470 North Road, Oriskany Falls.
Cost is $6.00 for spayedlnoutered and $13. 00 for unsprayed/unneutered. A valid rabies vaccination certificate will be required from an licensed veterinarian. We will not accept rabies vaccinations that are store bought and self administered. Clinics are available!! Please call the Town Clerk for dates and times.
If you are found to have a unlicensed dog, a notice of compliance will be issued and then a ticket for court appearance, if matter still is not tended too.
- Tassell Hill Veterinary Clinic (St. Rt. 20, Madison - 315 893-1800 )
- Lawtons Animal Hospital (4195 Peterboro Rd, Vernon - 315 829-4266)
- Waterville Veterinary Clinic (7383 Madison St, Waterville 316 84 ·/-4021)
- Dr. Wayne Wratten (8039 Water St., Madison - 315 893-7721)
- Clinton Pet Vet (60 Dwight Ave. , Clinton - 315 853-3551)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that effective March 2, 2016 under Local Law# 1 of 20 6, Section 9 (c) reads as written:
Fees for Licensing of Dogs: The fee for a spayed or neutered dog will be $6.00, (which includes the assessment of a $1.00 surcharge for the purpose of carrying out animal population control) the fee for an unspayed or unaltered dog will be $13.00, (which includes the assessment of a 3.00 surcharge for the purpose of carrying out animal population control), Late Licemsing is the cost of the license plus a late fee assessment of $5.00. per month for each month following the month in which the license expired and must be paid along with requisite licensing fees. Such fees may be reviewed by the Town Board periodically and may be changed by a resolution of the Town Board, if deemed appropriate.
Harboring an unlicensed dog is a violation of Section 109-1 a of the Agriculture and Markets Law of the State of New York. The owner of any dog six months of age or older shall immediately make application for a dog license. New York State Law also requires that a current rabies vaccination certificate accompany the license application.
To license your dog(s) contact:
Town of Augusta Clerk Sonya Furness
2470 North Road
Oriskany Falls, NY 13425
Phone: 821-2489
Town of Augusta Leash Law
Section 3
A) It shall be unlawful within the Town of Augusta for the owner of the dog to permit or allow such dog to:
- Run at large
- Be off the owners proper unless leashed, except that dogs may be unleashed while off the owners premises when on the private premises of an ther with the knowledge, consent and approval of such other, or when within a motor vehicle.
Annoying Dog Law
Section 3-A-4
It shall be unlawful within the Town of Augusta for the owner of a dog to permit or allow such dog to: Engage in habitual loud howling, barking, or whining or to conduct itself in such a manner as to unreasonably and habitually annoy any person other than the owner or harborer of the dog.