Stephen Roys
Office Hours:
Tuesday: 9:30am - 12pm
Thursday: 9:30am - 12pm
(315) 821-2483
(315) 843-4101
2470 North Road
Oriskany Falls, NY 13425
The position of Assessor for the Town of Augusta is sole elected. I am in my third 6 year term which I will be up for reelection in November 2025. Currently I am the only person in the office during regular hours. It may be to your advantage to call for an appointment or to make sure I will be in the office as I do have other duties that may reqµire traveling during this time. I am very good about returning phone messages and/or missed calls, however you need to remember if you are calling from a restricted number, you need to leave a working phone number in your message.
Duties and responsibilities:
My responsibilities are to maintain an equal and equitable tax assessment roll for the Town of Augusta and Village of Oriskany Falls and to handle Exemption Administration. The Level of Assessment (LOA) as calculated by NYS Taxation and Finance and Office of Real Property Tax Services is percentage that is determined yearly. The LOA is the difference between what I have on record as your Total Assessed Value (TAV) and what NYSTF/ORPTS calculate as a Full Market Value (FMV) based on sales analysis.
Forms & links:
Exemption Forms are accessible from the NYS Taxation and Finance (www.tax.ny.gov) website, toggle; Government and Researchers, toggle; Property Tax and Assessment Administration, toggle; Forms and Publications, toggle; Property Tax Forms by number, pick the form(s) needed and print them. Some can be filled out online and you can print the completed form. All new Basic Star applicants need to go through Taxation and Finance to apply. This can be done by phone 518-457-2036 or online at www.tax.ny.gov. For current homeowners receiving Basic Star who are turning 65years of age you may apply for the Senior Enhanced Star Exemption through this office. The Senior Enhanced Star should be applied for in the year you turn 65 and must be done by 1 March. New homeowners applying for the Senior Enhanced Star can apply through this office. For local assessment information you may go to ocgov.net, toggle; Real Property which will give you access to all the county information.
Important dates:
- 1 March of each year is Taxable Status Date; think of this as a picture of your property on this day and this is what we base the assessment on. Partial completion of new construction may be placed on the tax rolls.
- 1 May of each year is Tentative Roll (TAR) date; In the early editions of the Waterville Times I will place adds for special office hours where you may meet with me to discuss your assessment.
- Grievance is the 4th Tuesday in May and Grievance hours are also posted in the Waterville Times and various locations in Oriskany Falls. If you receive a Change of Assessment Notice in the mail the special office hours and grievance hours are listed in that letter.
- 1 July of each year is Final Roll Date (FAR), also called Valuation Date; This is when I tum in my final roll to Oneida County Finance for the following year tax billing cycle.
The Village of Oriskany Falls tax billing is in June each year and falls between TAR and FAR dates hence any change in TAR will not show on your village tax bill until the following tax billing cycle.