Office Hours:
Saturday: 9am - 1pm
Or by appointment
(315) 367-2519
(315) 843-4101
2470 North Road
Oriskany Falls, NY 13425
Code Enforcement
The Code Enforcement Officer is a yearly appointed position.
Code Book Links
- IBC – International Building Code – 2015
- IRC – International Residential Code – 2015
- IPMC – International Property Maintenance Code – 2015
- IECC – International Energy Conservation Code – 2015
Code Enforcement Officer Duties and Responsibilities:
Code enforcement officers perform several tasks depending on the scope of their jurisdiction.
Inspect Properties
Code enforcement officers schedule and conduct property inspections to check if all rules and regulations are met. The process may take several days, since they must perform a walk-through of the entire property in addition to analyzing site plans, use permits, contracts, and other relevant documents.
Investigate Complaints
When citizens or government officials file complaints about property violations, it's up to code enforcement officers to investigate whether the claims are valid, usually through research, paperwork reviews, property inspections, and complainant, witness, and owner interviews.
Enforce Compliance
Code enforcement officers are ultimately responsible for ensuring that all buildings and properties are in compliance with ordinances and zoning laws. Upon discovering violations, they promptly send out warning notices, assist owners in taking corrective steps, and charge penalties if noncompliance persists.
Maintain Records
It's vital for code enforcement officers to keep accurate records of complaints, property inspections, and case violations while submitting regular summary reports to supervisors. Code enforcement officers are meticulous about documentation, gathering as much information as possible and inputting data into a computer database for efficient retrieval.
Explain Regulations
Because building codes and zoning laws can be confusing, code enforcement officers must actively explain them to the public and thoroughly address inquiries, with the goal of increasing awareness so that all violations are rooted in misbehavior rather than lack of knowledge.